Node Typescript MongoDb Express
When you start a new project, you need to choose a template. This is a list of the best templates for Nodejs Typescript. you can use this template to start your project. it helps you to save time and focus on the main part of your project. this template are free and open source.
1 - Node Typescript MongoDb Express (my template)
with this template it was prepared some basic features like user authentication, user authorization, user registration, user login, with admin authorization, user profile, user update profile, user Click here to see the template on github
2 - node-express-mongoose-typescript-boilerplate
Static Typing: TypeScript static typing using typescript Hot database: MongoDB object data modeling using Mongoose Authentication and authorization: using passport Validation: request data validation query injection CORS: Cross-Origin Resource-Sharing enabled using cors Compression: gzip compression with compression CI: continuous with CommitLint Click here to see the template on github
3 - node-typescript-mongodb
Authentication: passport local strategy jwt authentication OAuth2.0 Server (Authorization code grant, Refresh token grant) Session Storage: MongoDB Redis Integration testing mocha chai supertest Click here to see the template on github
4 - Node-TypeScript-Express-MongoDB
This repo can be used as a starting point for backend development with Nodejs, Express, TypeScript and MongoDB.TypeScript - It uses TypeScript. JWT - It uses JWT Token for Authentication. Mongo Connection Helper - A helper class to connect to MongoDB reliably. Click here to see the template on github
5 - node-typescript-mongodb by tienduy-nguyen
Dependencies Injection with typedi Node, Express, Typescript MongoDB, Mongoose Jsonwebtoken for auth Class Validator validation for classes Node Bcrypt for encrypting password @sendgrid/mail send mail with sengrid Event Dispatcher Testing with jest Eslint & Prettier express-async-handler handler async routes Winston for logger Dependency Injection service with typedi, Click here to see the template on github